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Certified Institutions

School Fulfilment Index

You have the chance to find your ‘greatness factor’ by participating in the Great Place To Study Certification, an education system that takes inputs from all segments of its community. School Fulfilment Index (SFI) allows students, parents, teachers and alumni to play an active part in the future of the education system. Designed by experts in the industry, SFI will bring in a new era of intrinsic consciousness into the education sphere.

The most important asset of an education institution is its students. Student satisfaction is key to ensuring quality education and delivering an exceptional learning experience. The School Fulfilment Index (SFI) measures student, parent and teacher satisfaction levels on 6 Key Performance Indicators, through robust technology and machine learning, to offer schools, colleges and universities a comprehensive understanding of the impact of their education policies and practices.

Satisfaction Survey and Rating

Student Satisfaction

The Student Satisfaction Survey has a set of questions based on the predefined key indicators that define the happiness quotient of students. Our web-based application, analyses student feedback to offer valuable insights on student perception of the institution while recognising its unique selling point.

Parent Satisfaction

Participation of parents in the survey is critical in understanding their concerns and seeking their opinion on the education practices adopted by the institution. Parent feedback can help schools adopt positive measures to enhance a student’s learning experience and ensure their holistic development.

Teacher Satisfaction

Teachers have an objective approach to all the aspects of an educational institute. Educators are in the perfect position to give advice, feedback and rationally disseminate best teaching practices and policies. Teacher Satisfaction Survey will help understand student life from an educator’s perspective.

Alumni Satisfaction

Alumni are in the best position to highlight the strengths and identify areas of improvement of an education institution as they have directly experienced the impact of the school’s policies. Utilising the insights provided by the alumni, a report will be generated to help hone in on effective teaching practices.

SFI Rating

Our mission is to ensure quality education and experience for all students. Through in-depth research and persistent efforts towards creating a blueprint for successful educational institutions, GPTS is aggressively moving towards bringing a significant change in the sphere of education. SFI is a revolutionary system that takes students’ feedback and converts it into useful analytics to help institutions understand their USP’s and capitalise on them. We have identified 6 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are essential to determine overall student experience and shed light on all aspects of an institution, including teaching methodologies, infrastructure, student-centric facilities and more.

Great Place To Study Indicators

Educational institutions should take a closer look at Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as they can help them focus on enhancing the quality of the learning experience.


Learning Experience

Learning Experience

Schools and colleges are dedicated to enriching the lives of students with valuable learning experiences. Efficient education models can go a long way in ensuring that students have a holistic journey during their schooling, give them a transformative experience that lays the foundation for them to become future leaders.




Happy students make a happy school. Student happiness is the bedrock of the process that guides institutes to develop future leaders. Many studies have shown that happy students are more engaged and interested in creating a better world.


Life on Campus

Life on Campus

Children need to be constantly challenged and engaged, it helps them grow and become lifelong learners. Educators need to do their best to create a dynamic environment at school and college and meet the educational challenges of the 21st century. Every child inside the campus should be encouraged to pursue their passion and interests.




Students need to explore their interests during their time at school, institutes must provide them the infrastructure to pursue their dreams. Facilities like libraries, workshops, labs, sports arenas can help students engage and improve their skill set constantly.


Co-Curricular Activities

Co-Curricular Activities

Students love to explore their life beyond academia. Good co-curricular activities give them an opportunity to explore their skills and grow both physically and mentally. Co-curricular activities also improve a child’s self-confidence exponentially.


Life Skills

Life Skills

Certification Process

Give your institute true recognition on a global platform at an event that brings together a consortium of pioneers in education. You have the chance to find your ‘greatness factor’ by participating in the Global League of Institutes (GLI) certification. Many prestigious institutions across the country have become a part of our endeavour to revolutionise the education system and you will be one of them.

Get Certified



Your institution’s journey to a GPTS certification will start with filling out a brief online application. Once your application is completed, GPTS will assign a relationship manager to assist you with the remainder of the process.



The GPTS assessment process starts with a meeting with the leadership team to understand the objectives, vision of the institution, and its expectations regarding the GPTS process.



Using the School Fulfillment Index (SFI), our experts will measure students’, teachers’, parents’ and alumni perceptions of the institutions.


Result Delivery

Based on SFI results, GPTS will present an analysis in a detailed report. Additionally we will work with the school to create an action plan to help the institution improve the wellbeing of the educational community.



The school will receive the Great Place To Study Certificate to be presented in a ceremony with all the key stakeholders of the educational community.



A team from Great Place To Study will follow the GPTS action plan to support the school in implementing and improving a wellbeing process.

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